.jpg)
1.
"A
second
encounter
with
you
feels
like
a
lifetime
of
happiness
unfolded
in
the
space
between
our
last
goodbye
and
this
moment.
"
【再次相见,如同在最后一次道别和此时之间开启了一生的幸福。
】
2.
"It's
amazing
how
much
growth
and
change
can
happen
in
the
time
between
our
meetings,
yet
our
connection
remains
just
as
powerful
as
ever.
"
【我们的相遇之间发生了如此巨大的成长和改变,但我们的关系依旧有着同样强烈的感应。
】
3.
"Seeing
you
once
again
feels
like
coming
home
to
a
place
that
never
realized
was
missing.
"
【再次见到你,有如回到了一个从未意识到失去的家园。
】
4.
"The
beauty
of
a
second
meeting
lies
in
the
opportunity
to
rediscover
everything
that
makes
you
special
and
unique.
"
【再次相遇的美妙之处在于有机会重新发现你所拥有的一切美丽和独特。
】
5.
"Our
journey
together
has
woven
a
tapestry
of
shared
memories,
and
this
second
encounter
is
yet
another
beautiful
thread
in
that
intricate
design.
"
【我们一同走过的旅程编织出了一张共享的回忆画卷,这次的再相遇就像是一条美丽的纱线,织入了精致的设计之中。
】
6.
"The
universe
conspired
to
bring
us
together
once
more,
as
if
it
knows
that
our
connection
is
too
strong
to
be
left
unwoven.
"
【宇宙安排我们再次相遇,好像知道我们的关系太过紧密,不容被忽略。
】
7.
"Although
time
and
distance
may
have
separated
us,
our
hearts
remain
entwined
in
a
way
that
nothing
can
ever
unravel.
"
【虽然时间和距离曾将我们隔开,但我们的心却以一种无法割舍的方式融为一体。
】
8.
"In
the
moments
between
our
last
goodbye
and
this
hello,
never
imagined
that
the
world
could
be
filled
with
so
much
beauty
and
possibility.
"
【在上次告别和这次重逢之间的任何时刻,我都无法想象出这个世界会如此充满美和可能。
】
9.
"If
life
is
a
journey,
then
our
paths
have
crossed
twice,
each
time
leaving
an
indelible
mark
on
my
soul.
"
【如果生命就像一段旅程,那么我们的道路曾经交叉过两次,每一次都在我的灵魂上留下了无法抹去的深刻印记。
】
10.
"The
first
time
looked
into
your
eyes,
knew
that
you
were
someone
special.
And
now,
upon
this
second
meeting,
realize
just
how
rare
and
beautiful
that
is.
"
【第一次注视你的眸,我就知道你是非凡之人。
而在这次再相遇的时刻,我深知这种珍贵之物是多么罕见和美好。
】
11.
"Sometimes,
fate
gives
us
a
second
chance
not
to
relive
the
past,
but
to
create
a
better
future.
"
【有时候,命运给我们第二次机会并非是为了重温过去,而是为了创造一个更美好的未来。
】
12.
"The
fact
that
we
have
found
each
other
again
means
that
destiny
still
has
plans
for
us
to
fulfill.
"
【我们再次相遇的事实明示着,命运仍然有一些计划要我们去完成。
】
13.
"There
are
some
people
who
enter
our
lives
like
a
gust
of
wind,
and
although
they
may
leave
just
as
suddenly,
the
impact
of
their
presence
lingers
on.
You
are
one
of
those
people,
and
I'm
so
grateful
for
this
second
chance
to
be
influenced
by
your
spirit.
"
【有些人像一阵狂风般闯进我们的生命,尽管他们突然离开,然而他们的存在仍以余音绕梁。
而你,就是其中之一。
我真的很感激得到了这个第二次机会,让你的灵魂影响着我。
】
14.
"It's
as
though
the
universe
has
orchestrated
a
symphony
for
us
to
dance
to,
and
each
time
we
meet
again,
we
hear
another
beautiful
melody
that
we
never
heard
before.
"
【宇宙仿佛为我们编排了一首交响乐曲,我们在重逢的每一次,都听到了一首前所未闻的美妙旋律。
】
15.
"The
ocean
of
life
has
brought
us
together
again,
and
like
two
boats
meeting
in
a
vast
sea,
we
share
stories,
laughter,
and
the
promise
of
adventures
to
come.
"
【生命的海洋将我们再次连接,像两条在宽广的海中相遇的船只,我们分享故事、欢乐,以及未来的冒险之约。
】
16.
"The
power
of
our
connection
is
not
measured
by
the
time
we
spend
apart,
but
by
the
way
we
seamlessly
reconnect
every
time
we
meet
again.
"
【我们的关系力量不是由我们时刻生活在一起的时间来衡量,而是我们每次重逢时默契恢复的方式。
】
17.
"In
a
world
that
can
often
feel
fragmented
and
disconnected,
your
presence
reminds
me
of
the
unity
and
harmony
that
we
are
all
capable
of
experiencing.
"
【在一个难以融洽和连带的世界里,你的存在让我想起我们所能够体验到的团结和和谐。
】
18.
"With
every
meeting,
we
add
another
layer
of
depth
and
understanding
to
our
connection,
until
eventually,
it
becomes
an
unbreakable
bond
that
no
force
can
sever.
"
【每一次的见面,我们为我们的关系增添一层深度和理解,最终,这将变成一种坚不可摧的联系,即使面临任何力量也无法分割。
】
19.
"I've
come
to
realize
that
the
moments
when
we
are
not
together
are
just
as
important
as
the
moments
when
we
are,
for
it
is
during
those
times
that
we
learn
to
appreciate
each
other
even
more.
"
【我领悟到,我们相聚的时刻与分离的时刻同样重要,因为正是在这些时刻,我们更加懂得如何珍视彼此。
】
20.
"This
second
encounter
feels
like
a
rare
gift,
an
opportunity
to
learn
from
each
other,
grow
together,
and
create
memories
that
will
last
a
lifetime.
"
【这次再次相遇,有如一份难得的礼物,是一个互相学习、共同成长、创造难忘回忆的机会。
】
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