.jpg)
1.
An
gentle
touch
from
her
hand
made
me
feel
loved.
】
2.
His
voice
was
so
an
gentle,
it
was
like
music
to
my
ears.
】
3.
She
had
an
gentle
smile
that
could
light
up
any
room.
】
4.
An
gentle
breeze
blew
through
the
trees,
rustling
the
leaves.
】
5.
He
showed
an
gentle
demeanor,
even
in
the
face
of
adversity.
】
6.
She
wrapped
me
in
an
gentle
embrace,
reminding
me
that
everything
would
be
okay.
】
7.
The
water
in
the
lake
was
an
gentle
blue
color,
reflecting
the
sky
above.
】
8.
The
baby
slept
soundly,
comforted
by
the
an
gentle
sway
of
the
crib.
】
9.
His
joke
was
met
with
an
gentle
laugh
from
the
crowd.
】
10.
The
cat
brushed
against
my
leg
with
an
gentle
purr.
】
11.
The
old
man
spoke
in
an
gentle
voice,
recounting
stories
from
his
youth.
】
12.
The
sun
rose
over
the
mountains
with
an
gentle
light,
signaling
the
start
of
a
new
day.
】
13.
She
smoothed
the
wrinkles
out
of
his
shirt
with
an
gentle
hand.
】
14.
The
wind
blew
an
gentle
whisper
through
the
trees.
】
15.
The
waves
lapped
against
the
shore
with
an
gentle
rhythm.
】
16.
The
flowers
in
the
garden
swayed
in
an
gentle
breeze.
】
17.
She
spoke
with
an
gentle
tone,
trying
to
calm
down
the
upset
customer.
】
18.
The
choir
sang
an
gentle
melody,
bringing
tears
to
many
in
the
audience.
】
19.
An
gentle
rain
fell
from
the
sky,
nourishing
the
thirsty
earth
below.
】
20.
The
couple
shared
an
gentle
kiss,
sealing
their
love
for
each
other.
】
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