.jpg)
1.
"I
may
be
chubby,
but
at
least
have
extra
padding
for
hugging!"
【笑】
2.
"Some
people
have
six-pack
abs,
have
a
six-pack
of
donuts.
"
【哈哈】
3.
"I'm
not
fat,
I'm
just
easy
to
see.
"
【开心】
4.
"I
may
not
be
able
to
touch
my
toes,
but
can
touch
my
heart.
.
.
and
my
belly
button.
"
【雾】
5.
"I
didn't
choose
the
chubby
life,
the
chubby
life
chose
me.
"
【嘻嘻】
6.
"I'm
not
overweight,
I'm
undertall.
"
【捂嘴笑】
7.
"My
body
is
a
temple.
.
.
a
temple
that
serves
pizza
and
ice
cream.
"
【大笑】
8.
"I
have
a
love-hate
relationship
with
food.
.
.
love
it,
and
it
hates
my
waistline.
"
【开怀大笑】
9.
"I'm
not
fat,
I'm
just
an
easier
target
for
cuddles.
"
【微笑】
10.
"I
don't
count
calories,
count
the
number
of
compliments
get
on
my
curves.
"
【幸福】
11.
"My
dating
profile
should
just
say
'I
love
food
and
long
walks
to
the
fridge'.
"
【眨眼】
12.
"I'm
not
fat,
I'm
just
ready
for
hibernation
season.
"
【大哭】
13.
"I'm
not
fat,
I'm
just
bloated.
.
.
all
the
time.
"
【可怜】
14.
"I'm
only
chubby
because
the
food
like
doesn't
judge
me.
"
【像个孩子】
15.
"I'm
like
a
turtle.
.
.
slow
and
steady,
with
a
shell
that's
getting
harder
to
zip
up.
"
【斜眼笑】
16.
"I'm
not
overweight,
I'm
just
undertoned.
.
.
like
a
bass
guitar.
"
【吐舌头】
17.
"I
may
be
round,
but
I'm
still
a
square,
at
least
in
my
love
for
food.
"
【开怀笑】
18.
"I'm
not
fat,
I'm
just
on
a
permanent
snack
break.
"
【大笑】
19.
"They
say
you
are
what
you
eat.
.
.
must
be
a
potato,
because
I'm
always
mashed.
"
【坏笑】
20.
"I'm
not
overweight,
I'm
just
undertall.
.
.
like
a
hobbit.
"
【偷笑】
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