.jpg)
1.
Time
heals
all
wounds,
but
memories
remain.
【时间能治愈伤口,但回忆却常在】
2.
The
passage
of
time
brings
changes
we
cannot
avoid.
【岁月无情地改变着我们】
3.
In
time,
we
discover
that
what
seemed
difficult
at
first
was
actually
preparing
us
for
something
greater.
【时间会告诉我们,初看困难的事情,其实在为更伟大的事情铺路】
4.
The
gentle
passing
of
time
often
reveals
the
true
beauty
of
things.
【温柔经过时间的洗礼,让事物展现出真正的美丽】
5.
Time
is
a
precious
gift,
and
once
spent,
it
cannot
be
regained.
【时间是珍贵的礼物,浪费了就无法挽回】
6.
Each
moment
in
time
is
an
opportunity
to
create
something
memorable.
【每个时刻都是创造难忘记忆的机会】
7.
Sometimes
we
need
to
slow
down
and
savor
the
sweetness
of
life
that
time
has
to
offer.
【有时候我们需要放慢脚步,品味时间带来的美妙】
8.
As
time
passes,
we
learn
to
appreciate
the
simple
things
that
once
went
unnoticed.
【随着时间的流逝,我们会懂得欣赏曾经被忽视的简单之美】
9.
Time
is
a
great
teacher,
but
only
if
we
stay
open
to
its
lessons.
【时间是伟大的老师,但只有我们保持接受教训的心态才能学到最多】
10.
Patience
and
time
can
conquer
seemingly
insurmountable
obstacles.
【耐心和时间可以克服看似不可逾越的障碍】
11.
The
march
of
time
reminds
us
that
nothing
lasts
forever,
and
that’s
okay.
【时间的不断推进提醒我们,一切都是暂时的,这没关系】
12.
With
time,
we
come
to
cherish
the
people
in
our
lives
even
more.
【随着时间的流逝,我们更加珍惜身边的人】
13.
Sometimes
the
best
things
come
to
us
when
we
least
expect
them,
after
the
passage
of
time.
【有时候,最好的事情悄然来临,需要经历时间的沉淀】
14.
Memories
are
the
footprints
that
time
leaves
behind.
【回忆是时间留下的足迹】
15.
Time
can
be
a
powerful
force
for
good
if
we
use
it
wisely.
【明智利用时间,时间可以成为一股强大的美好助力】
16.
Every
day
is
a
new
opportunity
to
let
time
work
its
magic.
【每一天都是让时间施展魔法的机会】
17.
Time
teaches
us
to
let
go
of
what
no
longer
serves
us.
【时间教会我们,放下那些不再为我们服务的事物】
18.
The
gentle
caress
of
time
can
turn
wounds
into
scars,
and
scars
into
badges
of
triumph.
【温柔流过的时间,可以将创伤转化为伤疤,将伤疤变成胜利的标志】
19.
The
past
is
a
place
we
can
visit,
but
not
dwell
in.
【过去是一个可以回忆的地方,但不能停留】
20.
Time
is
a
gift
we
give
ourselves
when
we
choose
to
live
in
the
present
moment.
【当我们选择活在当下时,时间成为我们给自己的一份礼物】
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