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1.
真正的美是内在的,它从我们的灵魂中散发出来。
【True
beauty
is
internal,
emanating
from
our
souls.
】
2.
在每个细节中寻找美,你会发现它无处不在。
【Find
beauty
in
every
detail
and
you'll
see
it
everywhere.
】
3.
只有在视野开阔的心态下,我们才会看到生命中最美好的事物。
【Only
with
an
open
mind
can
we
see
the
most
beautiful
things
in
life.
】
4.
想要感知美,我们需要先学会欣赏,再去品味。
【To
experience
beauty,
we
must
first
learn
to
appreciate
it
and
then
savour
it.
】
5.
每一个人都有自己的美丽,只有学会珍惜,才能让它绽放。
【Everyone
has
their
own
beauty,
it
only
shines
when
we
learn
to
cherish
it.
】
6.
美丽特别在于它带来的感受,而不是外表的看起来。
【Beauty
is
special
because
of
the
way
it
makes
us
feel
rather
than
how
it
looks.
】
7.
有些事物看起来并不完美,但是它的美却在于它的独特。
【Some
things
may
not
look
perfect,
but
their
beauty
lies
in
their
uniqueness.
】
8.
美丽不单单是视觉的享受,而是一种极富内涵的感受。
【Beauty
is
not
just
a
visual
pleasure,
it
is
a
profound
feeling.
】
9.
真正的美丽没有定律,只有我们的内心才能领会。
【True
beauty
has
no
rules,
it
is
only
understood
by
our
hearts.
】
10.
美丽的事物有时候需要我们靠近才能发现,而不是远离。
【Beauty
sometimes
needs
us
to
be
closer,
not
farther
away,
in
order
to
be
discovered.
】
11.
真正的人生美丽,要学会在困难中寻找美好。
【Real
beauty
in
life
comes
from
learning
to
find
goodness
in
the
midst
of
difficulties.
】
12.
每个人的爱情故事都是独一无二的美丽。
【Everyone's
love
story
is
a
unique
and
beautiful
one.
】
13.
每个季节都有自己独特的美丽之处,让我们去发现吧。
【Every
season
has
its
own
unique
beauty,
let's
go
discover
it.
】
14.
真正的家庭之美在于相互照顾、关爱和支持。
【The
true
beauty
of
family
lies
in
taking
care
of,
loving
and
supporting
each
other.
】
15.
美丽的音乐能够触动灵魂,让我们陶醉其中。
【Beautiful
music
can
touch
our
souls,
let's
get
lost
in
it.
】
16.
在平凡中发现美丽,这才是生活中真正的奇迹。
【To
discover
beauty
in
the
ordinary
is
the
real
wonder
of
life.
】
17.
美丽是一件需要慢慢品味的事情,正如时间一样。
【Beauty
is
something
that
needs
to
be
slowly
savoured,
much
like
time.
】
18.
美丽的花朵会凋谢,但它的美普遍和持久。
【Beautiful
flowers
may
wither,
but
their
beauty
is
universal
and
enduring.
】
19.
在不息的奔忙中,让我们停下脚步,去欣赏身边的美丽。
【Amidst
the
constant
rush,
let's
pause
and
appreciate
the
beauty
around
us.
】
20.
幸福之美在于分享,让我们一起寻找和创造美好的惊喜。
【The
beauty
of
happiness
lies
in
sharing,
let's
find
and
create
wonderful
surprises
together.
】
本文内容来自互联网,若需转载请注明:https://www.456784444.com/HYRfheYVHhPL.html