.jpg)
1.
"When
aunt
flo
comes
to
town,
feel
like
I'm
being
punished
for
a
crime
didn't
commit.
"
【姨妈来袭】
2.
"I
don't
know
what's
worse,
the
cramps
or
the
emotional
rollercoaster
that
comes
with
it.
"
【月经来潮】
3.
"Why
do
women
have
to
suffer
through
this
every
month?
Can't
we
get
a
break?"
【女性月经周期】
4.
"If
men
had
to
deal
with
this,
the
world
would
be
a
very
different
place.
"
【女人的痛苦】
5.
"I'm
convinced
that
hell
is
just
one
long
and
painful
period.
"
【生理期痛苦】
6.
"One
moment
I'm
crying
over
a
commercial,
the
next
I'm
ready
to
rage
at
anyone
who
crosses
me.
"
【姨妈痛+情绪失控】
7.
"Why
can't
just
curl
up
in
a
ball
and
not
move
for
a
week
until
it's
over?"
【生理期不能动】
8.
"My
uterus
is
throwing
a
tantrum
and
I'm
the
one
who
has
to
suffer.
"
【子宫痉挛】
9.
"I
feel
like
I've
been
hit
by
a
truck
and
then
thrown
into
a
shark
tank.
"
【生理期超痛苦】
10.
"I'm
pretty
sure
my
body
hates
me
for
making
it
go
through
this
every
month.
"
【姨妈带来的痛苦】
11.
"Why
can't
we
just
hibernate
like
bears
until
it's
all
over?"
【女性生理周期带来的痛苦】
12.
"It's
like
my
period
is
a
possessed
demon
that
takes
over
my
body.
"
【生理周期毁掉我的情绪】
13.
"I
don't
know
how
I'm
supposed
to
function
like
a
human
when
my
body
feels
like
a
garbage
dump.
"
【姨妈痛带来的痛苦】
14.
"It's
like
Mother
Nature
is
punishing
us
for
being
able
to
create
life.
"
【生理周期毁掉我的情绪】
15.
"I've
never
wanted
to
be
a
man
more
than
do
during
my
period.
"
【希望成为男孩】
16.
"Why
can't
there
be
a
magical
button
can
press
to
skip
this
whole
ordeal?"
【月经周期怎么这么痛苦】
17.
"I
feel
like
I'm
constantly
on
the
edge
of
a
breakdown
when
my
period
hits.
"
【痛苦的月经周期】
18.
"Why
can't
just
eat
chocolate
and
watch
Netflix
without
feeling
like
my
insides
are
being
ripped
apart?"
【女人的月经】
19.
"I'm
convinced
that
Eve
ate
the
forbidden
fruit
just
to
stick
it
to
all
women
for
eternity.
"
【女人会前症状】
20.
"I
wouldn't
wish
this
pain
on
my
worst
enemy.
"
【女人的月经带来的痛苦】
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