1.
Love
is
not
always
sunshine
and
fairy
tales,
but
it's
worth
every
tear
shed.
【Love
and
Sadness】
2.
Losing
someone
you
love
is
like
losing
a
part
of
yourself,
you
never
fully
recover.
【Heartbreak】
3.
It's
better
to
have
loved
and
lost
than
to
never
have
loved
at
all,
but
it's
hard
to
see
that
in
the
midst
of
heartbreak.
【Love
Hurts】
4.
The
hardest
thing
about
loving
someone
is
watching
them
love
someone
else.
【Unrequited
Love】
5.
Love
is
not
a
feeling,
it's
a
choice.
Choosing
to
love
someone
despite
their
flaws
requires
strength
and
vulnerability.
【Choosing
Love】
6.
When
love
turns
to
hate,
the
pain
can
be
unbearable.
But
sometimes,
letting
go
is
the
only
option.
【Love
and
Hate】
7.
It
hurts
to
love
someone
who
doesn't
love
you
back,
but
it
hurts
even
more
to
love
someone
who
used
to
love
you.
【Falling
Out
of
Love】
8.
Love
that
is
unreciprocated
is
a
wound
that
never
fully
heals.
【Unreturned
Love】
9.
The
fear
of
being
hurt
can
sometimes
hold
us
back
from
experiencing
true
love.
【Fear
of
Love】
10.
Love
is
a
gamble,
but
taking
the
risk
is
what
makes
life
worth
living.
【Taking
Chances】
11.
Love
requires
vulnerability,
and
vulnerability
requires
trust.
Trust
can
be
hard
to
give
when
love
has
let
you
down
before.
【Love
and
Trust】
2.
The
most
painful
goodbyes
are
the
ones
that
are
never
said.
【Saying
Goodbye】
3.
When
you
love
someone,
you
give
them
the
power
to
hurt
you.
But
the
beauty
of
love
is
in
the
trust
and
hope
that
they
won't.
【The
Power
of
Love】
4.
Loving
someone
who
is
toxic
for
you
is
a
surefire
way
to
heartbreak.
Sometimes,
walking
away
is
the
best
thing
you
can
do
for
yourself.
【Toxic
Love】
5.
Love
is
not
a
band-aid
for
our
wounds,
but
it
can
help
to
heal
them.
【Healing
Love】
6.
When
love
is
taken
for
granted,
it
slowly
withers
away.
【Appreciating
Love】
7.
The
beauty
of
love
is
that
it
can
come
unexpectedly
and
transform
your
life
in
ways
you
never
thought
possible.
【Unexpected
Love】
8.
Love
is
not
a
guarantee,
but
taking
the
risk
is
always
worth
it.
【Risking
Love】
9.
Falling
in
love
can
be
easy,
staying
in
love
is
the
challenge.
【Staying
in
Love】
20.
True
love
is
not
just
about
being
together
in
the
good
times,
but
supporting
each
other
through
the
bad.
【Love
Through
the
Ups
and
Downs】