.jpg)
1.
Farewell
is
never
easy,
but
it's
a
necessary
part
of
life.
【离别从来不容易,但却是生活中必要的一部分。
】
2.
Saying
goodbye
to
a
friend
is
like
saying
goodbye
to
a
piece
of
yourself.
【跟朋友说再见就像跟自己的一部分告别一样。
】
3.
Parting
with
someone
you
care
about
is
like
ripping
your
heart
in
two.
【跟你在意的人分别就像割破你的心脏。
】
4.
Every
goodbye
is
a
different
kind
of
pain,
but
the
pain
of
a
friendship
ending
is
one
of
the
worst.
【每一次离别都是不同种类的痛苦,但是一段友情的结束之痛是最难熬的。
】
5.
It's
hard
to
say
goodbye
to
someone
who
made
such
an
impact
on
your
life.
【跟一个在你生命中留下深刻印象的人说再见是很难的。
】
6.
Goodbyes
are
never
easy,
but
they
remind
us
of
the
value
of
the
time
we've
spent
together.
【离别从来不容易,但是它们提醒我们这段时光的价值。
】
7.
Friends
come
and
go,
but
the
memories
we've
shared
will
last
forever.
【朋友会来会去,但是我们分享过的回忆会永远留存。
】
8.
The
hardest
part
of
saying
goodbye
is
not
knowing
if
we'll
see
each
other
again.
【最难过的是不知道我们是否会再见。
】
9.
Saying
goodbye
is
like
closing
a
chapter
in
a
book,
but
the
story
of
our
friendship
will
always
be
part
of
us.
【说再见就像在一本书中结束一个章节,但是我们友情的故事将永远是我们的一部分。
】
10.
Sometimes
the
people
we
thought
would
be
in
our
lives
forever,
end
up
only
staying
for
a
moment.
【有时候,我们认为会在我们的生命中一直存在的人,最终只是短暂停留。
】
11.
Saying
goodbye
is
not
the
end,
it's
just
the
beginning
of
a
new
chapter
in
our
lives.
【说再见并不是结束,它只是我们生命中新的一章的开始。
】
12.
The
beauty
of
friendship
is
that
distance
can
never
truly
break
the
bond.
【友情的美丽在于距离永远无法真正打破它的联系。
】
13.
We
may
be
going
our
separate
ways,
but
the
love
and
memories
we
share
will
always
keep
us
close.
【我们可能走上不同的道路,但是我们分享的爱和回忆将永远让我们靠近。
】
14.
The
hardest
goodbyes
are
the
ones
we
never
expected
to
say.
【最难忘的再见是我们从未想过要说的。
】
15.
Life
is
a
series
of
hellos
and
goodbyes,
but
it's
the
people
we
meet
along
the
way
that
make
it
worthwhile.
【生命是一系列的你好和再见,但是我们遇到的人让它值得回忆。
】
16.
Friendships
may
end,
but
the
lessons
and
experiences
we've
gained
from
them
will
last
a
lifetime.
【友情可能结束,但是我们从中获得的经验和教训会终身受益。
】
17.
It's
not
goodbye
forever,
it's
just
goodbye
for
now.
【不是永远的再见,只是暂时的告别。
】
18.
The
thought
of
saying
goodbye
keeps
us
awake
at
night,
but
the
memories
of
our
friendship
will
make
us
smile
forever.
【离别的思想使我们夜不成眠,但是我们友情的回忆将永远让我们微笑。
】
19.
Sometimes
we
have
to
say
goodbye
to
the
person
we
thought
we
couldn't
live
without,
but
life
goes
on
and
we
find
new
people
to
love.
【有时候,我们必须跟我们认为无法生活没有的人说再见,但是生活继续,我们会遇到新的人去爱。
】
20.
Goodbyes
are
hard,
but
they
help
us
appreciate
the
moments
we
had
with
each
other
even
more.
【再见很难,但是它们让我们更加珍惜我们相处的时光。
】
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