1.
"Tears
are
words
the
heart
can't
say.
"
【-Unknown】
2.
"The
saddest
thing
about
love
is
that
not
only
that
it
cannot
last
forever,
but
that
heartbreak
is
soon
forgotten.
"
【-William
Faulkner】
3.
"It's
amazing
how
someone
can
break
your
heart,
but
you
still
love
them
with
all
the
little
pieces.
"
【-Unknown】
4.
"My
heart
aches,
and
a
drowsy
numbness
pains
my
sense.
"
【-John
Keats】
5.
"Pain
is
inevitable.
Suffering
is
optional.
"
【-Haruki
Murakami】
6.
"The
scars
you
can't
see
are
the
hardest
to
heal.
"
【-Astrid
Alauda】
7.
"I
felt
the
burning
sensation
of
tears
behind
my
eyes,
threatening
to
spill
over
and
roll
down
my
cheeks.
"
【-Unknown】
8.
"I
wish
could
turn
back
the
clock.
I'd
find
you
sooner
and
love
you
longer.
"
【-Unknown】
9.
"When
you
love
someone,
even
though
they
hurt
you
and
break
your
heart,
you
still
love
them.
It's
like
a
fickle
flame
that
never
dies.
"
【-Unknown】
10.
"It's
okay
to
cry
when
you're
sad.
It's
not
okay
to
cry
when
you're
giving
up.
"
【-Unknown】
11.
"Sadness
flies
away
on
the
wings
of
time.
"
【-Jean
de
La
Fontaine】
2.
"The
longer
and
more
carefully
we
look
at
a
funny
story,
the
sooner
we
realize
that
in
essence,
it
does
not
contain
one
single
laughable
incident.
"
【-Shirley
Jackson】
3.
"The
deeper
that
sorrow
carves
into
your
being,
the
more
joy
you
can
contain.
"
【-Khalil
Gibran】
4.
"Our
sweetest
songs
are
those
that
tell
of
saddest
thought.
"
【-Percy
Bysshe
Shelley】
5.
"I
have
cried
myself
to
sleep
more
nights
than
care
to
remember.
"
【-Unknown】
6.
"People
cry,
not
because
they're
weak.
It's
because
they've
been
strong
for
too
long.
"
【-Johnny
Depp】
7.
"Sadness
is
but
a
wall
between
two
gardens.
"
【-Khalil
Gibran】
8.
"The
pain
of
parting
is
nothing
to
the
joy
of
meeting
again.
"
【-Charles
Dickens】
9.
"Crying
does
not
indicate
that
you
are
weak.
Since
birth,
it
has
always
been
a
sign
that
you
are
alive.
"
【-Charlotte
Bronte】
20.
"Sometimes,
the
only
way
to
stay
strong
is
to
cry
all
the
tears
out.
"
【-Unknown】