.jpg)
1.
"Sometimes
the
biggest
mistakes
lead
to
the
most
beautiful
outcomes.
"
【美好的结果往往源于最大的错误。
】
2.
"Losing
my
way
has
led
me
to
finding
the
most
amazing
paths.
"
【失去方向却走上最为奇妙的道路。
】
3.
"It's
the
detours
that
make
life
an
unexpected
adventure.
"
【迂回曲折才是生活的意外之旅。
】
4.
"Perhaps
was
meant
to
stumble
and
fall,
just
so
could
learn
how
to
pick
myself
up.
"
【或许我注定会跌倒,只为学习如何重新站起。
】
5.
"A
wrong
turn
doesn't
mean
the
journey
has
ended,
it
simply
means
a
new
path
has
been
discovered.
"
【迷路并不意味着旅程结束,它只意味着新的路被发现了。
】
6.
"Mistakes
are
just
opportunities
to
grow
and
learn,
love
and
forgive.
"
【错误只是成长、学习、爱与宽恕的机会。
】
7.
"The
road
less
traveled
may
not
be
the
easiest,
but
it's
always
the
most
rewarding.
"
【不走寻常路可能并不容易,但总是最有回报的。
】
8.
"I
am
grateful
for
the
detours
that
brought
me
to
where
am
today.
"
【我感激曾经的弯路带我到今天的位置。
】
9.
"It's
the
unexpected
twists
and
turns
that
make
life
worth
living.
"
【正是意外的转折使得生命有价值。
】
10.
"The
beauty
of
life
lies
in
the
imperfections
and
unexpected
moments.
"
【人生的美妙在于不完美和意外的时刻。
】
11.
"Every
wrong
turn
is
just
another
chance
to
make
things
right.
"
【每次迷路只是另一个改正错误的机会。
】
12.
"Accepting
mistakes
is
the
first
step
to
embracing
new
opportunities.
"
【接受错误是拥抱新机会的第一步。
】
13.
"Perhaps
what
we
think
are
mistakes
are
actually
just
blessings
in
disguise.
"
【也许我们认为的错误其实是伪装的祝福。
】
14.
"The
impossible
becomes
possible
when
we
take
a
wrong
turn
and
discover
something
new.
"
【当我们迷路并发现新事物时,不可能变得可能。
】
15.
"Mistakes
are
like
fingerprints,
unique
to
each
person
and
intertwined
with
their
journey.
"
【错误如同指纹,独特于每个人,与他们的旅程交织在一起。
】
16.
"Taking
chances
and
making
mistakes
is
the
only
way
to
truly
live
life
to
the
fullest.
"
【冒险和犯错是真正充实生命的唯一途径。
】
17.
"Embracing
the
unexpected
is
what
makes
life
an
adventure,
not
a
mundane
routine.
"
【接受意外是使生命成为冒险而非乏味惯例的关键。
】
18.
"Even
the
wrong
decisions
have
the
potential
to
lead
us
to
the
right
place.
"
【即使错误的决定也有可能引导我们走向正确的地方。
】
19.
"Mistakes
are
not
the
end,
just
a
new
beginning
that
we
never
saw
coming.
"
【错误并非终点,只是一个我们意想不到的新起点。
】
20.
"In
the
midst
of
confusion
and
chaos,
beauty
and
clarity
can
emerge.
"
【在混乱与动荡之中,美丽和清晰也能显现出来。
】
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