1.
Love
is
like
a
joke,
it's
funny
until
someone
gets
hurt.
【笑话爱情就像个笑话,直到有人受伤了。
】
2.
Sometimes
love
is
a
punchline,
and
you're
the
joke.
【有时候爱情就像一个笑话的结尾,你成了那个被讲笑话的人。
】
3.
Love
may
be
a
joke,
but
it's
the
only
one
worth
telling.
【爱情可能是个笑话,但它是唯一值得讲述的笑话。
】
4.
Love
is
like
a
joke
that
you
don't
understand
until
the
punchline
hits
you.
【爱情就像一个笑话,你不明白其中的意味,直到结尾的时候。
】
5.
When
love
is
a
joke,
the
laughter
can
quickly
turn
to
tears.
【当爱情变成了笑话,欢声笑语也会很快变成泪水。
】
6.
Love
can
be
a
joke,
but
it
can
also
be
a
punch
to
the
gut.
【爱情可能是个笑话,但也可能是一拳击中你的肚子。
】
7.
Love
is
like
a
joke
that
you've
heard
a
thousand
times,
but
it
still
makes
you
laugh.
【爱情就像一个你已经听过千遍的笑话,但它仍然让你哈哈大笑。
】
8.
Love
that's
a
joke
isn't
worth
telling.
【那些被当做笑话的爱情不值得被讲述。
】
9.
When
love
is
a
joke,
the
only
thing
left
to
do
is
laugh
along.
【当爱情成了笑话,唯一能做的就是和它一起哈哈大笑。
】
10.
Love
is
like
a
joke,
except
it
doesn't
always
have
a
happy
ending.
【爱情就像一个笑话,但它并不总是有个美好结局。
】
11.
Love
can
be
a
joke,
but
the
pain
it
causes
is
no
laughing
matter.
【爱情可能是一个笑话,但它造成的痛苦却不是闹着玩的。
】
12.
Love
sometimes
feels
like
a
cruel
joke,
but
you
keep
playing
along
anyways.
【有时候,爱情感觉像个残酷的笑话,但你还是继续陪着你的伴侣。
】
13.
Love
can
be
a
joke,
but
it's
not
something
to
be
taken
lightly.
【爱情虽然可能是个笑话,但它不是可以轻视的东西。
】
14.
Love
is
like
a
joke
that's
only
funny
the
first
time
you
hear
it.
【爱情就像一个只有在第一次听到的时候才有趣的笑话。
】
15.
When
love
is
a
joke,
the
only
thing
left
to
do
is
to
rewrite
the
punchline.
【当爱情变成了笑话,唯一剩下的就是重新构思那个结尾。
】
16.
Love
is
like
a
joke,
it
can
bring
you
to
tears
or
make
you
laugh
until
it
hurts.
【爱情就像一个笑话,会让你哭泣,也会让你笑到肚子疼。
】
17.
When
love
is
a
joke,
the
only
thing
left
to
do
is
to
pretend
you
didn't
hear
it.
【当爱情变成了笑话,唯一剩下的就是假装你没有听到它。
】
18.
Love
that's
a
joke
is
only
funny
until
it's
your
heart
on
the
line.
【那些被当做笑话的爱情只有在你心碎的时候才真正有趣。
】
19.
Love
can
be
a
joke,
but
sometimes
it's
the
punchline
that
hits
home
the
hardest.
【爱情可能是个笑话,但有时候,最伤人的却是结尾。
】
20.
Love
is
like
a
joke,
it
can
get
better
with
time
or
become
stale
and
overused.
【爱情就像一个笑话,它随着时间的推移可能会越来越好,也可能会变得陈旧和过时。
】
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