.jpg)
1.
“In
the
quiet
of
autumn,
one
can
hear
the
whispers
of
their
own
heart.
”
【心灵的私语只有在秋日的宁静中听得到】
2.
“Autumn
is
a
symphony
of
color,
a
chorus
of
fading
beauty.
”
【秋天是一场缤纷的交响乐,一曲即将消逝的美丽合唱】
3.
“The
sound
of
leaves
crunching
underfoot
is
nature's
way
of
saying
goodbye
to
summer.
”
【落叶在脚下响起,是大自然向夏日告别的方式】
4.
“In
autumn,
time
slows
down
and
the
world
becomes
more
peaceful.
”
【在秋日,时间变得缓慢,世界变得更加宁静】
5.
“The
colors
of
autumn
are
nature's
way
of
painting
a
masterpiece.
”
【秋季的色彩是大自然创作杰作的方式】
6.
“Autumn
is
a
reminder
that
it's
okay
to
let
go
of
things
that
no
longer
serve
us.
”
【秋季提醒我们,放下那些不再对我们有益的事物是可以的】
7.
“The
gentle
breeze
of
autumn
whispers
secrets
that
only
the
heart
can
hear.
”
【秋风轻拂间低语娓娓,只有心灵可以听懂秘密】
8.
“May
the
beauty
of
autumn
inspire
us
to
let
go
of
the
old
and
embrace
the
new.
”
【愿秋日的美景引领我们放下旧事,迎接新生】
9.
“The
silence
of
autumn
holds
the
promise
of
renewal
and
the
hope
of
new
beginnings.
”
【秋日的静谧中蕴含着重生的希望和新起点的憧憬】
10.
“Let
the
falling
leaves
of
autumn
remind
us
that
we
must
shed
the
old
to
make
way
for
the
new.
”
【让秋天逐渐脱落的落叶告诉我们,要放下旧事让新生代替】
11.
“Autumn
is
nature’s
way
of
reminding
us
of
the
constant
cycle
of
life
and
death.
”
【秋天是大自然提醒我们生死轮回的方式】
12.
“Like
the
leaves
falling
from
the
trees,
may
we
let
go
of
what
no
longer
serves
us
and
gracefully
embrace
change.
”
【就像落叶从树上飘落,让我们放下那些不适合我们的东西,优雅地接受改变】
13.
“Autumn
is
a
time
to
reflect
on
the
past,
embrace
the
present,
and
look
forward
to
the
future.
”
【秋天是回顾过去,拥抱现在,展望未来的时光】
14.
“As
the
leaves
fall,
may
we
also
shed
the
burdens
that
hold
us
back,
and
find
the
freedom
to
grow
and
flourish.
”
【随着叶子的落下,让我们放下负担,寻求成长与自由】
15.
“The
rustling
of
leaves
in
the
autumn
breeze
is
like
music
to
the
soul.
”
【落叶在秋风中沙沙作响,如同灵魂的音乐】
16.
“May
the
beauty
of
autumn
remind
us
to
slow
down
and
appreciate
the
simple
things
in
life.
”
【愿秋日的美景唤醒我们放慢脚步,欣赏生活中的简单事物】
17.
“The
changing
of
the
seasons
is
a
reminder
that
nothing
in
life
is
permanent,
and
that
change
is
inevitable.
”
【四季的变迁提醒我们,生活中没有什么是永恒的,改变是必然的】
18.
“Autumn
is
the
season
of
transformation,
when
nature
sheds
the
old
to
make
way
for
the
new.
”
【秋天是转型的季节,大自然放下旧事让新生代替】
19.
“The
beauty
of
autumn
is
a
reminder
that
there
is
always
something
to
be
grateful
for,
even
in
the
midst
of
change.
”
【秋天的美景提醒我们,即使在变化之中,我们也一定有值得感激的东西】
20.
“May
the
whispers
of
autumn
inspire
us
to
embrace
the
changes
in
our
lives
with
grace
and
courage.
”
【愿秋天的私语鼓舞我们,以优雅和勇气接受生活中的改变】
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