.jpg)
1.
"Heartache
is
a
bitter
pill,
but
it's
one
we're
all
forced
to
swallow
eventually.
"
【心痛是一颗苦涩的药丸,但我们终究都会不得不去吞咽。
】
2.
"She
had
a
heart
full
of
love,
but
it
was
never
enough
to
heal
the
wounds
of
the
past.
"
【她心中充满爱,但这爱却从未足够愈合过去的伤口。
】
3.
"In
the
end,
the
greatest
pain
is
not
the
pain
of
saying
goodbye,
but
the
pain
of
not
being
able
to
say
it
at
all.
"
【最大的痛苦并非道别的痛苦,而是彻底无法说出的痛苦。
】
4.
"When
love
leaves,
it
always
takes
a
piece
of
our
heart
with
it.
And
sometimes,
that
piece
never
returns.
"
【当爱离开时,它总是带走我们心灵的一小部分。
有时,这部分永远不会回来。
】
5.
"It's
hard
to
heal
a
broken
heart
when
the
one
who
broke
it
was
the
one
trying
to
heal
it
in
the
first
place.
"
【当试图愈合你的人正是那个伤害你的人时,心灵的伤口是无法愈合的。
】
6.
"She
may
have
been
broken,
but
her
pieces
were
still
beautiful.
"
【她也许已经破碎了,但她的碎片依然充满美丽。
】
7.
"The
saddest
thing
about
love
is
that
it's
often
mistaken
for
something
that
will
last
forever.
"
【关于爱最令人悲伤的一点是,它常常被误认为会永远持续。
】
8.
"You
can't
go
back
and
change
the
past,
but
you
can
always
start
over
and
create
a
new
future.
"
【你无法回到过去去改变它,但你可以重头开始创建一个新的未来。
】
9.
"Sometimes
the
people
we
love
the
most
are
the
ones
who
hurt
us
the
deepest.
"
【有时候伤害我们最深的人正是我们最爱的人。
】
10.
"The
tears
we
shed
for
lost
love
are
not
a
sign
of
weakness,
but
a
testament
to
the
depth
of
our
emotions.
"
【为失落的爱而流的泪水不是弱点的象征,而是我们情感深度的体现。
】
11.
"No
one
ever
forgets
the
pain
of
a
broken
heart,
but
they
can
learn
to
live
with
it
and
carry
on.
"
【没有人会忘记心灵的痛苦,但他们可以学会与之和平共处并继续前行。
】
12.
"In
the
end,
love
is
not
about
how
much
you
receive,
but
how
much
you
give
without
expectation.
"
【最终,爱不是关于你获得多少,而是你能无条件付出多少。
】
13.
"True
love
is
not
about
perfection,
but
about
acceptance
and
forgiveness.
"
【真正的爱不是关于完美,而是关于接受和宽恕。
】
14.
"Sometimes
the
pain
of
heartbreak
is
the
only
way
to
break
open
the
shell
around
our
hearts
and
let
in
true
love.
"
【有时候心灵的痛苦是唯一能够破开我们心灵壳子,使真爱进入的方式。
】
15.
"Heartache
is
a
reminder
that
we
are
human,
and
that
we
are
capable
of
feeling
deeply.
"
【心痛提醒我们,我们是人类,我们有着深刻的情感。
】
16.
"The
hardest
thing
about
saying
goodbye
is
not
knowing
whether
you'll
ever
see
that
person
again.
"
【道别最难的一点是不知道你是否还能再见到那个人。
】
17.
"Life
is
not
about
avoiding
pain,
but
learning
to
survive
and
thrive
despite
it.
"
【生活不是关于回避痛苦,而是要学会在痛苦中生存并茁壮成长。
】
18.
"Sometimes
the
most
beautiful
things
in
life
are
born
out
of
the
ashes
of
our
pain
and
struggles.
"
【有时候生活中最美的东西正是从我们痛苦和挣扎的灰烬中诞生的。
】
19.
"In
the
end,
the
only
thing
that
truly
matters
is
the
love
we
give
and
the
lives
we
touch
along
the
way.
"
【最终,唯一真正重要的是我们付出的爱和我们在路上触摸到的生命。
】
20.
"Even
in
the
darkest
of
times,
there
is
always
a
glimmer
of
hope
shining
bright
if
we
just
look
for
it.
"
【即使在最黑暗的时刻,只要我们去寻找,我们总能看到一条充满希望的曙光。
】
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