.jpg)
1.
"The
sight
of
lovers
feedeth
those
in
love.
"
【Love】
2.
"Good
company,
sweet
discourse,
and
fair
discourse.
"
【Friendship】
3.
"All
the
world's
a
stage.
"
【The
World】
4.
"To
be
or
not
to
be,
that
is
the
question.
"
【Life
Choices】
5.
"What's
in
a
name?
That
which
we
call
a
rose
by
any
other
name
would
smell
as
sweet.
"
【Identity】
6.
"To
thine
own
self
be
true,
and
it
must
follow,
as
the
night
the
day,
thou
canst
not
then
be
false
to
any
man.
"
【Honesty】
7.
"The
course
of
true
love
never
did
run
smooth.
"
【Love
Obstacles】
8.
"Parting
is
such
sweet
sorrow.
"
【Goodbye】
9.
"All
that
glitters
is
not
gold.
"
【Appearance
vs.
Reality】
10.
"If
music
be
the
food
of
love,
play
on.
"
【Music】
11.
"Some
are
born
great,
some
achieve
greatness,
and
some
have
greatness
thrust
upon
them.
"
【Greatness】
12.
"Love
looks
not
with
the
eyes,
but
with
the
mind,
and
therefore
is
winged
Cupid
painted
blind.
"
【Love
and
Perception】
13.
"The
very
substance
of
the
ambitious
is
merely
the
shadow
of
a
dream.
"
【Ambition】
14.
"We
know
what
we
are,
but
not
what
we
may
be.
"
【Unknown
Potential】
15.
"Love
sought
is
good,
but
given
unsought,
is
better.
"
【Love】
16.
"There
is
nothing
either
good
or
bad,
but
thinking
makes
it
so.
"
【Perspective】
17.
"How
far
that
little
candle
throws
his
beams!
So
shines
a
good
deed
in
a
naughty
world.
"
【Good
Deeds】
18.
"Better
a
witty
fool
than
a
foolish
wit.
"
【Intelligence】
19.
"I
would
challenge
you
to
a
battle
of
wits,
but
see
you
are
unarmed.
"
【Wit】
20.
"I
have
nothing,
and
yet
have
everything.
"
【Contentment】
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