.jpg)
1.
"Who
needs
sleep
when
you
have
coffee
and
memes
to
keep
you
going?"
【笑趴!
】
2.
"My
bed
is
calling,
but
so
is
the
pizza
delivery
guy.
.
.
life's
tough
choices"
【爆笑系】
3.
"I'm
not
saying
I'm
Wonder
Woman,
I'm
just
saying
no
one
has
ever
seen
me
and
Wonder
Woman
in
the
same
room"
【暴走喜剧】
4.
"I
don't
always
stay
up
late,
but
when
do,
it's
because
I'm
binge-watching
a
new
series"
【哈哈一笑】
5.
"I'm
not
saying
I'm
a
vampire,
but
haven't
seen
daylight
since
that
one
time
in
2014"
【狠逗】
6.
"You
know
you're
a
night
owl
when
you
get
more
messages
from
your
brain
at
midnight
than
from
your
friends
all
day"
【哈哈大笑】
7.
"Sleep
is
for
the
weak,
and
the
early
birds
can
keep
their
worms"
【玩转幽默】
8.
"I'm
not
saying
can
function
on
no
sleep,
but
do
consider
myself
a
master
of
power
napping"
【爆笑无限】
9.
"Netflix
and
chill?
Nah,
choose
coffee
and
memes"
【笑到掉渣】
10.
"I've
got
problems,
but
falling
asleep
ain't
one
of
them"
【深入人心的幽默】
11.
"If
only
my
brain
could
remember
all
the
important
things
as
well
as
it
remembers
every
embarrassing
thing
I've
ever
done
at
3am"
【扯淡神段子】
12.
"I'm
not
saying
I'm
indecisive,
but
I've
spent
the
last
hours
trying
to
decide
whether
to
watch
a
movie,
read
a
book,
or
just
take
a
nap"
【嗨翻全场】
13.
"The
best
thing
about
staying
up
late
is
knowing
you've
got
the
whole
night
to
yourself.
.
.
and
the
worst
thing
is
realizing
you've
got
to
function
like
a
normal
human
being
the
next
day"
【笑料百出】
14.
"I
don't
always
snack
at
midnight,
but
when
do,
it's
because
forgot
to
eat
dinner"
【疯狂搞笑】
15.
"You
can
never
have
too
much
coffee,
but
you
can
definitely
have
too
little
sleep"
【逗趣无穷】
16.
"I'm
not
saying
I've
got
superpowers,
but
I'm
pretty
sure
can
survive
on
hours
of
sleep
and
a
bagel"
【神经质幽默】
17.
"I'd
tell
you
my
secrets,
but
think
they're
all
stored
in
that
weird
state
between
sleep
and
wakefulness
around
2am"
【憨厚可爱】
18.
"I'm
not
saying
I'm
nocturnal,
but
have
been
known
to
start
my
day
at
11pm"
【欢乐无限】
19.
"Who
needs
a
good
night's
sleep
when
you
can
have
wine
and
long
conversations
with
your
cat?"
【幽默诙谐】
20.
"I
can't
promise
won't
tell
embarrassing
stories
about
myself
after
midnight,
but
can
promise
they'll
be
hilarious"
【欢声笑语】
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