1.
"Nature
always
wears
the
colors
of
the
spirit.
"
-
Ralph
Waldo
Emerson
【美丽的灵魂总是穿戴在自然界的颜色上。
】
2.
"The
earth
laughs
in
flowers.
"
-
Ralph
Waldo
Emerson
【大地在花中欢笑。
】
3.
"Nature
is
not
a
place
to
visit.
It
is
home.
"
-
Gary
Snyder
【自然不是一处可以访问的地方,它是我们的家。
】
4.
"In
every
walk
with
nature,
one
receives
far
more
than
he
seeks.
"
-
John
Muir
【与自然同行,我们能得到远比我们所寻求的更多。
】
5.
"The
poetry
of
the
earth
is
never
dead.
"
-
John
Keats
【大自然的诗歌永远不会死亡。
】
6.
"Nature
does
not
hurry,
yet
everything
is
accomplished.
"
-
Lao
Tzu
【自然不急躁,却完成了一切。
】
7.
"The
landscape
belongs
to
the
person
who
looks
at
it.
"
-
Ralph
Waldo
Emerson
【风景属于那些欣赏它的人。
】
8.
"Nature
is
the
art
of
God.
"
-
Dante
Alighieri
【自然是上帝的艺术。
】
9.
"Nature
provides
a
free
lunch,
but
only
if
we
control
our
appetites.
"
-
William
Ruckelshaus
【自然提供免费的午餐,但只有当我们控制食欲时才能享用。
】
10.
"Adopt
the
pace
of
nature:
her
secret
is
patience.
"
-
Ralph
Waldo
Emerson
【采用自然的步调:她的秘密是耐心。
】
11.
"Study
nature,
love
nature,
stay
close
to
nature.
It
will
never
fail
you.
"
-
Frank
Lloyd
Wright
【研究自然,热爱自然,与自然亲密相处。
它永远不会让你失望。
】
12.
"Nature
is
not
only
all
that
is
visible
to
the
eye.
.
it
also
includes
the
inner
pictures
of
the
soul.
"
-
Edvard
Munch
【自然不仅仅是肉眼可见的一切.
.
.
它还包括了灵魂内在的画面。
】
13.
"Nature
is
painting
for
us,
day
after
day,
pictures
of
infinite
beauty.
"
-
John
Ruskin
【自然每天在为我们绘制无限美丽的画面。
】
14.
"In
nature,
nothing
is
perfect
and
everything
is
perfect.
Trees
can
be
contorted,
bent
in
weird
ways,
and
they're
still
beautiful.
"
-
Alice
Walker
【在自然中,没有什么是完美的,一切都是完美的。
树木可以扭曲,弯曲,它们仍然是美丽的。
】
15.
"In
every
true
lover
of
nature,
there
is
a
spark
of
the
divine.
"
-
Marcell
Proust
【在每个真正热爱自然的人中,都有一点神性的火花。
】
16.
"The
richness
achieve
comes
from
nature,
the
source
of
my
inspiration.
"
-
Claude
Monet
【我所获得的丰富来自于自然,是我灵感的源泉。
】
17.
"Nature
is
not
a
backdrop
for
something
else.
It
is
the
main
event.
"
-
Gary
Snyder
【自然不是其他事情的背景,它是主角。
】
18.
"Nature
is
not
only
what
is
visible
to
the
eye,
it
also
shows
the
inner
images
of
the
soul,
the
images
on
the
back
of
the
eyelids,
the
dreams
of
the
mind.
"
-
Theodor
W.
Adorno
【自然不只是肉眼可见的东西,它还展示了灵魂内在的形象,眼睑背后的形象,心灵的梦想。
】
19.
"Nature
is
not
something
out
there,
but
a
part
of
who
we
are.
We
must
see
ourselves
as
part
of
nature
before
we
can
take
care
of
it.
"
-
David
Suzuki
【自然不是外在的东西,而是我们的一部分。
在我们照顾自然之前,我们必须把自己看作自然的一部分。
】
20.
"Nature
is
the
source
of
all
true
knowledge.
She
has
her
own
logic,
her
own
laws,
she
has
no
effect
without
cause
nor
invention
without
necessity.
"
-
Leonardo
da
Vinci
【自然是所有真实知识的源泉。
它有自己的逻辑,有自己的法则,没有原因就没有效果,没有必要就没有发明。
】
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