.jpg)
1.
"A
man's
heart
can
be
fragile
too,
and
when
it
breaks,
it
hurts
just
as
much.
"
【男人的心也可能很脆弱,当它破碎的时候,同样会很痛苦。
】
2.
"There's
nothing
more
heartbreaking
than
seeing
a
strong
man
crumble
from
emotional
pain.
"
【没有什么比看到一个强大的男人因情感痛苦而崩溃更令人心碎的了。
】
3.
"Tears
may
not
be
a
sign
of
weakness,
but
rather
a
testament
to
the
depth
of
one's
pain.
"
【眼泪不是弱点的表现,而是对痛苦深度的证明。
】
4.
"When
a
man
loves
with
all
his
heart
and
soul,
the
pain
of
losing
that
love
is
indescribable.
"
【当一个人全心全意地爱,失去那份爱的痛苦是无法形容的。
】
5.
"Sometimes,
a
man's
toughest
battles
are
fought
not
with
his
fists,
but
with
his
heart.
"
【有时候,男人最艰难的战斗并不是用拳头来打,而是用心来战斗。
】
6.
"The
measure
of
a
man
is
not
how
much
he
can
withstand,
but
how
he
handles
his
pain.
"
【一个男人的价值不在于他能承受多少,而在于他如何面对痛苦。
】
7.
"Behind
every
strong
man
is
a
heart
that
has
been
broken
and
mended
numerous
times.
"
【每一个强者背后都是一个经历无数次破碎和修补的心。
】
8.
"No
matter
how
tough
a
man
may
seem,
he
still
needs
a
shoulder
to
cry
on.
"
【无论男人看起来多么坚强,他还是需要一个肩膀来依靠和哭泣。
】
9.
"Men
may
not
always
express
their
emotions,
but
that
doesn't
mean
they
don't
feel
deeply.
"
【男人可能不总是表现出他们的情感,但这并不意味着他们不会感受深刻。
】
10.
"There's
something
uniquely
heartbreaking
about
watching
a
man
try
to
hide
his
pain
behind
a
smile.
"
【看着一个男人试图在微笑背后掩藏痛苦,让人心碎无比。
】
11.
"The
strength
of
a
man
lies
not
in
his
ability
to
never
feel
pain,
but
in
his
ability
to
rise
above
it.
"
【一个男人的力量不在于他不感受痛苦,而在于他超越它的能力。
】
12.
"Sometimes,
the
bravest
thing
a
man
can
do
is
allow
himself
to
be
vulnerable
and
ask
for
help.
"
【有时候,一个男人最勇敢的事情就是让自己变得脆弱并请求帮助。
】
13.
"Real
men
don't
hide
from
their
emotions;
they
face
them
head
on.
"
【真正的男人不会躲避自己的情感,他们会直面它们。
】
14.
"Behind
every
great
man
is
a
story
of
pain,
struggle,
and
triumph.
"
【每一个伟大的男人背后都有着一个关于痛苦、挣扎和胜利的故事。
】
15.
"Sometimes,
men
may
be
so
busy
taking
care
of
others
that
they
forget
to
take
care
of
themselves.
"
【有时候,男人可能会忙着照顾别人而忘记照顾自己。
】
16.
"Even
the
strongest
man
can
be
brought
to
his
knees
by
love
and
heartbreak.
"
【即使是最坚强的男人也会被爱和心碎打败。
】
17.
"Pain
may
be
a
universal
language,
but
the
way
men
express
it
can
vary
greatly.
"
【痛苦可能是一种普遍的语言,但男人表达痛苦的方式却千差万别。
】
18.
"Sometimes,
the
bravest
thing
a
man
can
do
is
let
go
and
allow
himself
to
heal.
"
【有时候,一个男人最勇敢的事情就是放手并让自己愈合。
】
19.
"The
pain
of
losing
someone
you
love
can
be
overwhelming,
but
it's
a
testament
to
the
depth
of
your
love.
"
【失去你所爱的人的痛苦可以是压倒性的,但它证明了你的爱之深。
】
20.
"At
the
end
of
the
day,
it's
not
how
much
pain
a
man
has
endured,
but
how
he
has
grown
and
learned
from
it
that
matters.
"
【在一天结束的时候,重要的不是一个男人忍受了多少痛苦,而是他从中成长和学到了什么。
】
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