.jpg)
1.
"Time
may
ravage
our
features,
but
it
cannot
diminish
the
beauty
that
radiates
from
within.
"
【容颜随时间荏苒,但内心的美丽却不会减弱。
】
2.
"Wrinkles
are
not
the
enemy
of
beauty,
but
rather
a
badge
of
honor
for
a
life
well-lived.
"
【皱纹不是美丽的敌人,而是生活得久经沧桑的荣耀勋章。
】
3.
"Aging
gracefully
is
not
about
holding
onto
youth,
but
about
embracing
the
changes
that
come
with
time.
"
【优雅老去并非坚守青春,而是拥抱时间带来的变化。
】
4.
"Beauty
is
not
a
number
on
the
scale
or
a
wrinkle-free
face,
it
is
the
light
that
shines
from
within.
"
【美丽不在于体重数字或光洁无皱的脸庞,而在于内心放射的光芒。
】
5.
"True
beauty
is
not
a
fleeting
physical
attribute,
it
is
a
state
of
mind
that
grows
stronger
with
age.
"
【真正的美丽不是转瞬即逝的身体特征,而是一个随年龄增长而变得更强大的心态。
】
6.
"The
lines
on
our
face
tell
the
story
of
our
life,
they
are
the
roadmap
of
our
journey.
"
【我们脸上的纹路讲述着我们人生的故事,它们是我们旅途的路标。
】
7.
"The
beauty
of
aging
is
the
wisdom
and
experience
that
comes
with
it.
"
【智慧和经验随年龄增长而到来,这就是老去的美丽之处。
】
8.
"Aging
is
not
a
curse,
it
is
a
privilege
denied
to
many.
"
【老去不是诅咒,而是许多人所没有的特权。
】
9.
"Beauty
is
not
about
looking
young,
it
is
about
living
fully
and
embracing
every
stage
of
life.
"
【美丽不是看起来年轻,而是充分地生活并拥抱生命的每个阶段。
】
10.
"The
beauty
of
a
person
is
not
in
their
appearance,
but
in
the
love
and
light
they
give
to
the
world.
"
【一个人的美丽不在于他们的外表,而在于他们给世界的爱和光芒。
】
11.
"Our
faces
may
age,
but
our
souls
remain
forever
young.
"
【我们的面容可能会老去,但我们的灵魂永远年轻。
】
12.
"The
most
beautiful
thing
about
aging
is
the
depth
and
richness
it
brings
to
our
lives.
"
【老去最美好的事情是它给我们的生活带来的深度和丰富。
】
13.
"The
beauty
of
aging
is
the
ability
to
appreciate
the
simple
things
in
life.
"
【老化的美丽在于能够欣赏生命中的简单事物。
】
14.
"As
we
age,
our
beauty
becomes
less
about
perfection
and
more
about
authenticity.
"
【随着年龄的增长,我们的美丽变得不那么完美,而更加真实。
】
15.
"Aging
is
not
about
looking
young,
it
is
about
embracing
the
natural
evolution
of
our
bodies
and
souls.
"
【老化并不是为了看起来年轻,而是要拥抱我们身体和灵魂的自然演变。
】
16.
"Age
is
just
a
number,
but
beauty
is
a
state
of
mind
that
transcends
time.
"
【年龄只是一个数字,但美丽是一个超越时间的心态。
】
17.
"The
real
beauty
of
a
person
is
not
in
their
physical
appearance,
but
in
the
depth
of
their
character.
"
【一个人真正的美丽不在于他们的外表,而在于他们性格的深度。
】
18.
"The
beauty
of
aging
is
the
ability
to
find
joy
and
contentment
in
the
present
moment.
"
【老去的美丽在于能够在当下找到欢乐和满足。
】
19.
"The
most
beautiful
thing
about
aging
is
the
appreciation
for
the
simple
pleasures
in
life.
"
【老化最美好的事情在于对生命中简单的享受的欣赏。
】
20.
"Aging
may
change
our
bodies,
but
it
cannot
change
the
beauty
of
our
souls.
"
【老化可能改变我们的身体,但它不能改变我们灵魂的美丽。
】
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