.jpg)
1.
आत्मनो
मोक्षार्थं
जगत्
हिताय
च।
[For
the
liberation
of
the
self
and
the
benefit
of
the
world.
]
2.
देह
चित्तं
निरोधो
निर्बीजो
निराकारः॥
[The
body
and
mind
are
restrained,
seedless
and
formless.
]
3.
सत्यं
वद
धर्मं
चर॥
[Speak
the
truth
and
walk
the
path
of
righteousness.
]
4.
तत्त्वमसि।
[You
are
That.
]
5.
योगश्चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधः॥
[Yoga
is
the
restraint
of
the
fluctuations
of
the
mind.
]
6.
भोगैश्वर्यप्रसक्तानां
तयापहृतचेतसाम्॥
[For
those
attached
to
material
pleasures
and
riches,
their
minds
are
stolen
away.
]
7.
हृदये
दृष्टोऽस्ति
साक्षात्
जीवो
ब्रह्मैव
नापरः।
[In
the
heart,
there
is
a
witness
who
is
the
self
and
the
Brahman,
nothing
else.
]
8.
अहम्ब्रह्मास्मि।
[I
am
Brahman.
]
9.
अहंकारविमूढात्मा
कर्ताहमिति
मन्यते॥
[A
deluded
soul
with
ego
thinks,
"I
am
the
doer.
"]
10.
जीवन्मुक्तः
सदाशिवः॥
[The
liberated
soul
is
forever
one
with
Shiva.
]
11.
ज्ञानं
बन्धः॥
[Knowledge
is
bondage.
]
12.
प्रज्ञानं
ब्रह्म।
[Knowledge
is
Brahman.
]
13.
मोहेन
जायते
संसारः॥
[Delusion
causes
the
cycle
of
birth
and
death.
]
14.
वसुधैव
कुटुम्बकम्।
[The
world
is
one
family.
]
15.
अहिंसापरमो
धर्मः॥
[Non-violence
is
the
highest
form
of
righteousness.
]
16.
शान्तिः
शान्तिः
शान्तिः॥
[Peace,
peace,
peace.
]
17.
सत्यं
ज्ञानमनन्तं
ब्रह्म।
[Truth,
knowledge
and
infinity
is
Brahman.
]
18.
वैराग्यं
संप्रदाय
वैदुष्यम्॥
[Renunciation
is
tradition,
and
knowledge
is
scholarship.
]
19.
आचार्यो
देवो
भवः॥
[The
teacher
is
like
a
god.
]
20.
योगः
कर्मसु
कौशलम्॥
[Yoga
is
skill
in
action.
]
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