1.
Scars
remind
us
of
the
past
but
they
don't
have
to
define
our
future.
【#nevergiveup】
2.
Pain
is
inevitable,
suffering
is
optional.
【#keepmovingforward】
3.
The
wound
heals,
but
the
scar
remains.
【#neverforget】
4.
Sometimes
you
have
to
get
hurt
to
feel
alive.
【#embracelife】
5.
Our
scars
remind
us
that
the
past
was
real.
【#healingjourney】
6.
The
beauty
in
having
scars
is
that
they
tell
a
story.
【#strengththroughstruggle】
7.
Scars
are
like
tattoos,
but
with
better
stories.
【#warrior】
8.
Every
scar
have
is
a
reminder
of
what
survived.
【#nevergiveuphope】
9.
Scars
are
a
testament
to
strength,
they
are
not
a
weakness.
【#resilience】
10.
The
scars
we
bear
are
a
sign
of
our
perseverance.
【#keepgoing】
11.
The
pain
of
yesterday
becomes
the
strength
of
tomorrow.
【#hopeforbrighterdays】
12.
Scar
tissue
is
stronger
than
regular
tissue.
Don't
be
afraid
of
getting
scarred.
【#embracechallenges】
13.
Broken
doesn't
mean
shattered.
Broken
means
mending.
【#healingprocess】
14.
The
strongest
people
are
not
those
who
have
never
been
hurt,
but
those
who
have
been
hurt
and
bounced
back.
【#riseabove】
15.
Scars
are
a
roadmap
of
our
past,
present
and
future.
【#journeytohealing】
16.
Every
scar
tells
a
story.
Every
story
has
a
lesson.
【#growth】
17.
Scars
are
proof
that
pain
is
temporary
and
healing
is
possible.
【#nevergiveuponyourself】
18.
Time
heals
all
wounds,
but
the
scars
remain
to
remind
us
of
our
strength.
【#perseverance】
19.
Life
is
not
always
easy,
but
it's
always
worth
it.
【#overcomefears】
20.
The
flower
that
blooms
in
adversity
is
the
most
beautiful
of
all.
【#beautyinsurvival】
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