1.
"Time
flies
so
fast,
it
feels
like
just
yesterday
when
we
were
in
school
together.
"
【感慨万千】
2.
"Seeing
you
again
after
so
long
brings
back
a
lot
of
memories.
"
【充满感怀】
3.
"We
may
have
gone
our
separate
ways,
but
the
bond
we
shared
in
school
will
always
be
there.
"
【情同手足】
4.
"It's
amazing
how
people
can
change
over
time,
but
some
things
never
do.
"
【人生如戏】
5.
"I
never
thought
I'd
be
so
emotional
seeing
you
again,
but
here
we
are.
"
【泪眼蒙眬】
6.
"Even
though
haven't
seen
you
in
years,
it
feels
like
we
never
skipped
a
beat.
"
【感同身受】
7.
"Life
has
a
funny
way
of
bringing
people
back
into
our
lives
when
we
least
expect
it.
"
【缘分天定】
8.
"I'm
so
grateful
for
the
memories
we
created
together
in
school,
they'll
always
hold
a
special
place
in
my
heart.
"
【珍惜回忆】
9.
"I
think
it's
amazing
how
even
though
we've
all
gone
down
different
paths,
we
all
came
back
to
this
moment.
"
【唏嘘不已】
10.
"It's
hard
to
believe
how
much
time
has
passed
since
we
were
last
together.
"
【时光流逝】
11.
"It's
great
to
see
that
despite
everything,
we're
still
able
to
connect
on
a
level
that
only
old
friends
can.
"
【有朋自远方来】
12.
"There's
something
about
old
friends
that
makes
the
heart
feel
warm
and
fuzzy.
"
【心有灵犀】
13.
"Even
though
we're
all
grown
up
now,
it
feels
like
we're
back
in
the
schoolyard
again.
"
【欢声笑语】
14.
"A
reunion
like
this
reminds
me
of
how
important
it
is
to
cherish
the
people
in
our
lives.
"
【感恩有你】
15.
"It's
amazing
how
much
we've
all
grown
and
accomplished
since
our
school
days.
"
【成长不已】
16.
"I
never
thought
I'd
say
this,
but
actually
miss
those
school
days
and
the
hijinks
we
got
up
to.
"
【怀念过去】
17.
"It's
hard
to
believe
that
these
are
the
same
people
went
to
school
with,
but
I'm
so
glad
to
have
reconnected.
"
【惊喜无限】
18.
"I'm
amazed
at
how
much
you've
accomplished
since
school,
you
truly
are
an
inspiration.
"
【羡煞旁人】
19.
"You
know
you
have
a
true
friend
when
you
can
pick
up
right
where
you
left
off,
even
after
years
of
being
apart.
"
【情比金坚】
20.
"There's
something
special
about
seeing
old
friends,
a
feeling
that
can't
be
replicated
with
anyone
else.
"
【友谊长存】
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