.jpg)
1.
生活不苦,何来拼搏的激情?【Life
is
not
tough,
where
is
the
passion
to
fight
for?】
2.
受过苦的人,更知道幸福的可贵。
【Those
who
have
suffered
know
the
value
of
happiness.
】
3.
没有苦尽甘来的耐心,就没有美满的结果。
【Without
patience
in
adversity,
there
can
be
no
happy
ending.
】
4.
走过秋后的落叶,你才会迎来春天的花开。
【Only
by
walking
through
the
fallen
leaves
of
autumn
can
you
welcome
the
blooming
flowers
of
spring.
】
5.
磨难越多,成长就越快。
【The
more
tribulations,
the
faster
the
growth.
】
6.
凡事不顺,不妨换个角度看待。
【When
things
don't
go
well,
try
looking
at
it
from
a
different
perspective.
】
7.
就算步履维艰,也要坚定向前。
【Even
if
the
road
ahead
is
difficult,
keep
moving
forward
firmly.
】
8.
真正的闯劲,不是成功的喜悦,而是进步的满足感。
【Real
courage
is
not
the
joy
of
success,
but
the
sense
of
accomplishment
from
progress.
】
9.
生活本就是一场没有终点的马拉松。
【Life
is
already
a
marathon
without
a
finish
line.
】
10.
成功并不意味着已经没有挫折,而是学会了如何克服它。
【Success
doesn't
mean
there
are
no
more
setbacks,
but
rather
learning
how
to
overcome
them.
】
11.
一切都会过去,唯独我们的勇气会留下。
【Everything
will
pass,
only
our
courage
will
remain.
】
12.
拥有一颗坚强的心,才能面对生活的磨难。
【Having
a
strong
heart
is
the
only
way
to
face
the
hardships
of
life.
】
13.
勇敢迎接挑战,会让你变得更加强大。
【Bravely
facing
challenges
will
make
you
stronger.
】
14.
每一次挫折,都是成长的机会。
【Every
setback
is
an
opportunity
for
growth.
】
15.
只有敢于追求,才能收获所想要的幸福。
【Only
by
daring
to
pursue
can
you
gain
the
happiness
you
want.
】
16.
人生没有回旋路,所以要向前看。
【Life
has
no
turning
back,
so
look
forward.
】
17.
逆境使人清醒,挫折使人坚强。
【Adversity
makes
people
clear-headed,
and
setbacks
make
people
strong.
】
18.
生活中有太多未知数,所以不要害怕失败。
【There
are
too
many
unknowns
in
life,
so
don't
be
afraid
of
failure.
】
19.
拥有实现目标的决心比成功更重要。
【Having
the
determination
to
achieve
your
goals
is
more
important
than
success.
】
20.
只有先经历了挫折,才能懂得成功的珍贵。
【Only
by
experiencing
setbacks
can
you
understand
the
value
of
success.
】
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